Operative Plasterers' & Cement Masons Union - Local 630
Endorsements, Recommendations & Support
"Sylvia has shown a true understanding of, and appreciation for, the value that our trade union brings to the community and itʻs members.
As a proven leader and problem-solver, Sylvia has shown the experience and ability to provide workable solutions to many of Hawai`iÊ»s most pressing concerns, and a commitment to creating opportunities for our local working families and their children to continue to live and prosper in this place they call home.”
Read the full press release.

Plumbers and Fitters UA, Local 675
"Sylvia has shown a true understanding of, and appreciation for, the value that our trade union brings to the community and its members,” Valentino B. Ceria, business manager and Financial Secretary-Treasurer of Local 675.
"As a proven leader and problem-solver, Sylvia has the experience and ability to provide workable solutions to many of Hawaiʻiʻs most pressing concerns, and a commitment to creating opportunities for our local working families and their children to continue to live and prosper in
this place they call home,” Ceria added.
Read the full press release.

Hawaii State Teachers Association
“HSTA is proud to recommend Sylvia Luke for Hawaii’s next lieutenant governor,” said Osa Tui, Jr., president of the HSTA.
“A strong advocate of Hawaii’s public schools, public school educators, and our keiki, Sylvia wants to ensure that all children have the opportunity to rise from whatever their circumstances to do great things,” Tui added.
“In concert with our next governor, Sylvia will use her knowledge, determination, and empathy to get us even closer to the schools our keiki deserve!”
Read the full press release.

University of Hawaii Professional Assembly
“With her 10 years of experience as chair of the House Finance Committee, Sylvia Luke knows how to get things done. That is the kind of leader we need for our state,” said Christian Fern, UHPA’s executive director.
“So often, there has been dissension between the governor and legislature, and this prevented important initiatives from moving forward. We believe this can end with Sylvia serving as the bridge between the Governor’s office and the legislature. For once, we can expect there to be more collaboration and a more productive relationship,” Fern continued.
Read the full press release.

Hawaii Government Employees Association
“From education to first responders to health care and everywhere in between, Sylvia Luke has always understood the critical role that we government employees serve. When the pandemic hit, she was there – not only fighting to fund essential services and keep our state afloat, but ensuring our schools were functional and even volunteering side by side with our members to
take calls in the unemployment center.
Sylvia Luke is the epitome of servant leadership and
what our state desperately needs,” said HGEA State Political Action Committee Chair Justin Lam. “We need leaders who listen and understand, then take action themselves, without worrying about taking credit.”
Read the full press release.

Patsy T. Mink PAC
The Patsy T. Mink PAC is pleased to endorse Sylvia Luke for Lt. Governor. Luke is a longtime supporter and loyal defender of women's rights and choice. She will bring a much needed wealth of legislative and budgetary experience and competence that will benefit Hawaii for the next 4 years.

Americans for Democratic Action
Americans for Democratic Action, Hawaii Chapter, has made an early endorsement for Josh Green for Governor and Sylvia Luke for Lt. Governor. We believe Green and Luke will be best candidates to support environmental protection, public education, fair tax policies, and civil rights. We encourage progressive voters to join the bandwagon. Our regular endorsement meeting will be May 1, but we feel it is important to come out early for a few really good candidates.
-John Bickel, President

Operating Engineers, Local 3

International Longshore & Warehouse Union, Local 142
Sylvia Luke is committed to making the right decisions for improving the lives of the people of Hawaiʻi... Under her leadership role as the chair of the finance committee, Sylvia proved that she has experience, knowledge and compassion, understanding the needs of the people of Hawaiʻi ..."
-Tristie Licoan, Hawaiʻi Division Business Agent
Read More at Maui News

United Public Workers, AFSCME, Local 646, AFL-CIO
“Sylvia Luke delivers for HawaiÊ»i—that’s why, on behalf of UPW and our more than 12,000 members, we are proud to endorse Sylvia for Lieutenant Governor. Sylvia’s record makes clear that she is not afraid to fight for our members' right to fair pay, essential protections, and the benefits they’ve earned.”
- Kalani Werner, UPW State Director

International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 1186
"IBEW Local 1186 endorses Sylvia Luke for lieutenant governor because of her vast experience, passion for Hawaii's people, her diligence and commitment to Hawaiʻi's working class, for striving to make affordable housing a reality and keeping jobs in Hawaii. From her humble upbringing throughout her career as an attorney and state lawmaker, Sylvia has shown us that she is there for the people and will never forget her roots."
- Damien T.K. Kim, IBEW Local 1186 Business Manager/Financial Secretary

General Contractors Association of Hawaii
"GCA believes that you (Sylvia Luke) not only understand the broader issues facing our state, but also understand the issues
specific to the construction industry as a whole. Enhancing the community through responsible and sustainable projects requires the collaboration of government, business, and the community."
- Rick Heltzel, Chair GCA Legislative Committee

Hawai'i Association of Realtors

Hawai'i Figherfighters Association, Local 1463
"HFFA truly appreciates your support of and commitment to issues important to the fire service and to public employees."
- Robert H. Lee, President

International Longshore & Warehouse Union, Local 100
"We look forward to working with you to improve the benefits and protections for Hawaii’s workers and their families, to grow our economy, to improve our communities, and to defend the rights of all the people of our State."
Jeff Mueller, President and Committee Chair

Hawaii Laborers’ Union LiUNA Local 368
“Sylvia’s years as Chair of the House Finance Committee, undoubtedly one of the most influential and toughest committees to run in the State Legislature, shows that she has what it takes to not only represent the people of Hawaii, but even more importantly, the nearly 5,000 working and retired members of the Hawaii Laborers’ Union LiUNA Local 368, Therefore today, we commit our full and unwavering support to Sylvia and her campaign to be the next Lieutenant Governor of the State of Hawaii.”
Peter Ganaban, Business Manager/Secretary-Treasurer
Read the full press release.
Sylvia Luke has a proven track record of public service and possesses extensive knowledge of the inner workings of our State government. She will bring this knowledge with her as lieutenant governor and will serve the State of Hawaii well.
Sylvia Luke and Josh Green’s diverse experience and knowledge complement each other well, and they will be a highly effective pair as our next governor and lieutenant governor. We are proud to support them and look forward to their election as the next leaders of our state.
Mufi Hannemann, HLTA President and CEO